Welcome to TRL. You can find information on the political history behind the mod in the file: TRL_History.html General information about units and weapons can be found in the file: TRL_Weapons.html The TRL mod for The War Engine contains two mini campaigns and a number of scenarios designed to be played against the computer. The campaigns are: TRL-Training - a training campaign designed to familiarize you with the units available. Raiders - a campaign covering a recon unit's missions in the period leading up to the first Troll War. The scenarios are: Arena - A TRL vs TRL training battle. Assassin - A TRL Mk III-E must destroy an enemy command unit. Breakout - A lone TRL must break through emeny lines before it is destroyed. Bridge Too Far - a small recon group, low on ammo, must hold on and survive while resupply and reinforcements come to releive them. Convoy - You must safely move a small convoy through enemy territory. Deep Raid - Two Mk I TRLs must capture a data module from an enemy command unit and get away safely. Los Rio Rojo - A raiding force must destroy the infrastructure in an enemy-enemy held town. Ragnarok - A large but staggered force of TRLs must destroy a series of enemy bases. Slugfest - Two large of formations of conventional units (no TRLs) meet head-to-head. If there is sufficient demand, I plan to develop a full TRL Modpack. The modpack will include: - A full Troll War campaign. - More units. - More weapons. - More terrain. - A folder full of PBEM scenarios. Please direct any questions or comments about TRL via e-mail to: lerchey@andrew.cmu.edu - John K. Lerchey